Another way to influence whether pain signals reach the brain is to change or block them in the spinal cord before they reach the brain. The brain is where you actually feel the pain.
Courtesy of St. Jude Medical/Abbott Neuromodulation
Pain nerve impulses must enter the brain's somatosensory cortex to cause pain sensation.
When electrodes are placed through a needle to the spinal canal pain signals can be stopped or transformed.
Pain nerve impules entering the spinal cord can be stopped or changed to a non-painful nerve impulse by electrical stimulation.
Courtesy of Boston Scientific
Nerve pain impulses can be stopped or changed into an non-painful signal by precisely applying electrical stimulation over the spinal cord.
There are many choices of manufacturers for Spinal Cord Stimulation, each with unique capabilities. We are experts in successful pain treatment using Spinal Cord Stimulation from all of the available FDA approved systems.
courtesy of Saluda Medical
We have years of experience, successfully treating patients with this technology since 1987, possibly more than any of the Pain Specialists in South Jersey. We have no financial interest in any of the manufacturers. We recommend the ones that are most likely to provide significant pain relief for each individual patient.
Abbott (St. Jude) Neurological Spinal Cord Stimulation System (electrodes not pictured).
Medtronic Spinal Cord Stimulation system. (Electrodes are not pictured)
Boston Scientific Spinal Cord Stimulation System (with 16 contract electrodes).
We use all of the major manufacturers' systems.
Spinal Cord Stimulation is a Minimally Invasive Technique!
It is tested on a temporary basis first.
If the trial is highly successful, a SCS system can be implanted.
After implantation the system can be removed if the patient requests it or if a patient's clinical condition changes requiring surgery to treat other serious problems.
This has rarely happened over with any of our patients during the nearly thirty years we have provided this technique.
Patients are candidates for Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) when:
All other treatments have failed.
Possible treatments are too risky to try.
Possible treatments are too likely not to be successful.
Once Spinal Cord Stimulation is under consideration as a treatment option:
Educational materials are provided.
Patients are encouraged to research this technology themselves.
Patients can contact our patients that already have been treated with SCS. (Our patients volunteer to talk to others considering this technology).
Once a patient decides to proceed with SCS and after informed consent is given by the patient, a temporary five to seven day trial of the technique is scheduled.
If dramatic pain relief is obtained using SCS, then implantation of the system can occur.
Spinal Cord Stimulation is an outpatient technique not requiring general anesthesia.